About the group

The Transportation Group is the leading industry body for professionals working in transportation engineering, planning, and related fields. We represent over 1,000 transport professionals from around Aotearoa.

Membership of the Group is open to anyone with a professional interest or involvement in transportation. We welcome people from all backgrounds including transport engineers, transport planners, urban planners, landscape architects, surveyors, politicians, academics, developers, students and others.

The Group’s purpose is to advance the technical knowledge, planning and management of land-based transportation facilities, networks and systems for the movement of people and goods.

Our aims include:

  1. developing and sharing national and international advances in transport knowledge, standards, and technical expertise to assist in the professional development of members;
  2. contributing to the development and recognition of good practice, facilitating the planning and creation of better transportation networks and management practices, so increasing the productivity of existing and new transport systems;
  3. supporting Group members in their career development through conferences, education, training, workshops, research and publications; and
  4. providing opportunities for the sharing of ideas and creating a national network for members.

We run an annual conference (http://www.tgconference.co.nz) and a wide range of local technical and social events, and we produce a quarterly magazine (Roundabout) and a monthly email newsletter (Mini-Roundabout).

There is also a growing list of publications that have been supported or funded in some way by the Group, such as through the Research Award.

We have a National Committee and Branch Committees of volunteers who help keep the group moving, and you can read our operating procedures and latest (2024) AGM minutes.

We have three technical subgroups for members with specialist interests:

  1. Signals NZ User Group (SNUG)
  2. NZ Modelling Users Group (NZMUGS)
  3. NZ Trips and Parking Database Bureau (NZTPDB)

“The Transportation Group is recognised as the foremost impartial and credible voice on transportation issues in New Zealand. Its perspectives are invariably sought when new policies and legislation are being developed. It makes a significant contribution to the major transportation debates of the day, often taking the lead in raising issues for consideration.”

The Signals NZ User Group (SNUG) is a subgroup of the Transportation Group aiming to advance the fundamental knowledge of the art, science and practice of design, operation and maintenance of traffic signals.

SNUG activities include:

  • Organising conferences, seminars, and symposia to foster knowledge sharing
  • Cultivating relationships with existing organisations with similar or related goals
  • Promoting technical education through discussion groups, technical papers, and assisting educational authorities
  • Assisting in the preparation of standard specifications, contract procedures, codes of practice, and related materials
  • Preparing public relations content to enhance the Group’s visibility
  • Encouraging research that aligns with the Group’s core interests
  • Voicing the views of the Group on matters relating to its activities and areas of expertise

Membership of SNUG is open at no cost to all Transportation Group members. If you share an interest in signals and wish to join, please specify this when you join the Transportation Group or email tech.groups@engineeringnz.org.

Read more at SNUG’s website www.snug.org.nz, where you can view the latest updates, find out more about SNUG and its National Management Committee, and participate in technical forums.

The NZ Modelling User Group (NZMUGS) is a subgroup of the Transportation Group dedicated to the interests of modelling within the transportation industry in NZ.

NZMUGS represents all aspects of modelling, including static/deterministic, micro-simulation, wide-area/strategic modelling, passenger transport modelling, as well as emerging areas as pedestrian and accessibility modelling.

The NZMUGS Conference is an opportunity for researchers, engineers, modellers and other practitioners in the transportation modelling community to discuss the latest developments.

Read more at NZMUGS’ page on this website, where you can read more about their events and conference.

The New Zealand Trips and Parking Database Bureau (TDB) is a subgroup of the Transportation Group aiming to maintain and share a database of parking and trip survey data to help inform transport assessment and planning.

TDB formed in 2002, became an Incorporated Society in 2004, and expanded to include both NZ and Australian members in 2008. Members include local and regional councils, institutional organisations, consultancies and individual practitioners with an involvement in transport and land use planning.

TDB shares the UK-based TRICS platform for New Zealand and Australian trips and parking data. Subscriptions are still maintained by the TDB.

To join TDB, email tripsdatabasebureau@gmail.com and we will send you a Membership Agreement.  TRICS will then send you a login and password to the database that will be accessed via the TRICS website.

Read more at TPDB’s page on this website, where you can find information and events.

The Safety Practitioners Group is a new subgroup of the Transportation Group dedicated to promoting safe system thinking, increasing awareness of the Safety Practitioners’ role in the industry, and assisting professionals in developing their proficiency in road safety best practice.

The group formed in 2023 to address a gap in our industry’s technical interest groups for practitioners who work in the road safety area. With the greater emphasis on New Zealand’s road safety strategy, this sub-group aims to facilitate links between the wider industry with local and central government, and to share the latest industry guidance, best practice, and innovations with our members.

Membership is open and accessible to any Transportation Group members with an interest in road safety.

To join the Safety Practitioners Group:

  • if you are not yet a member of the Transportation Group, you can choose to join Safety Practitioners for free while joining the Transportation Group.
  • existing Transportation Group members can join Safety Practitioners for free by emailing membership@engineeringnz.org with the subject line “Join Safety Practitioners Group”

You can read more about the objectives, activities and committee on the Safety Practitioners page on this website.

To find out about the Transportation Group’s operating procedures, please click here

To update your membership details, please contact: tech.groups@engineeringnz.org