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Date(s) - 04/02/2025
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The group operating procedures specify that the call for vice-chair opens 8 weeks before the AGM, and closes 3 weeks before the AGM. For this event placeholder, it is assumed that the next AGM is 28 March 2025.
Section 7 of the Group operating procedures states:
- The Chairperson shall fulfil the role for two years and shall be succeeded by the Vice Chairperson, who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting, or failing that by postal or electronic ballot of all members as soon as possible thereafter.
- Nominations shall be open for a period not exceeding eight weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting, and shall be closed three weeks before the Annual General Meeting.
- Nominations are to be submitted in writing using the format specified in the call for nominations and shall include the consent in writing of the member nominated to be valid.
- Each candidate for nomination shall be invited to submit with the nomination paper information relevant to consideration of the candidacy.
- Candidates are to have served at least one term on a Branch Committee.
- The names of members nominated for Vice Chairperson shall be made available to each member of the Group not less than two weeks before the Annual General Meeting.